By Marcella Sanchez, CPT | Updated: Feb 22, 2025

Rochester Phlebotomy Classes & Courses

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Rochester, MN
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Rochester is the third-largest city in Minnesota and the seat of Olmstead County. As it is such a hub for that state, it is a great place for you to train in phlebotomy or to resume your career.

Here, we present all your best choices for both work and study.

Phlebotomy Training Programs in Rochester, MN

Here are your best training and education choices to become a phlebotomist in Rochester, MN:

Rochester, MN Phlebotomy Jobs by the Numbers

A statistical analysis from 2020 suggested the population was 118,935. Inclusion of the Greater Metropolitan Area takes the population to 219,812. It is the largest city outside of the Minneapolis Statistical Area.

BLS produces biennial reports highlighting the state of each industry in the US. There is no current data on how many phlebotomists operate in Rochester, but the state has 1,710 phlebotomists in total.

The decade 2019-2029 expects to see a 17% growth in demand for phlebotomists. In the same period and from the same BLS report, the average of all jobs is 7%.

Phlebotomy Careers and Employers in Rochester, MN

Phlebotomists in Rochester MN will find these names come up the most often when searching for employment. Industry areas include hospitals and clinics, medical research, specialist clinics, and rehab:

Phlebotomist Salaries in Rochester, MN

Here are some salary data are taken from the stated reputable websites. Some information is self-reported from professional phlebotomists in Rochester, while other data is an average of job listings:

AreaBLS Annual Hourly

Other Phlebotomy Schools Nearby

Do you live outside the city of Rochester? Search phlebotomy training programs in cities near you in Rochester. Check out our listings below to find traditional, online, or hybrid classes near you.
Search Phlebotomy Technician Programs

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Riverland Community College

Location: Austin, MN 55912

Cottage Grove

South Washington County Schools

Location: Cottage Grove, MN 55016


Red Wing

Minnesota State College Southeast

Location: Red Wing, MN 55066


See all cities in Minnesota that offer phlebotomy training schools and courses.