The Most Charitable States
Marcella Sanchez, CPT | Updated/Verified: June 24, 2024
Being charitable can mean a variety of things. From donating time and energy to providing your skills and donating blood, there are many ways to help others. Often, people only consider donating money to give back to others, but not everyone can do so.
At, we know plenty of ways to help others, as those working in the medical field impact people's lives daily. With this in mind, we set out to determine where Americans are the most charitable and how they give back to their communities. Read on to see how the state you call home ranks.
Key Takeaways
- Idaho, Utah, and Louisiana are the most charitable states in 2024.
- New Orleans, LA, New York City, NY, and Washington, D.C., are the most charitable cities in 2024.
- Americans often donate money, time, and talent to charitable causes like helping a stranger.
- Regarding charity, 67% of Americans say their efforts are generally more spontaneous than planned.
- Of the people who work for a company that offers donation matching, 66% say they use it.
- The most common skills Americans have donated are cleaning, cooking, and organizing.
- The average American has donated about 6 hours over the last three months.
- So far this year, 42% of Americans have donated $100 or more.
“A blood donor today could be a lifesaver tomorrow.”
Where the Most Giving Americans Live By State in 2024

The end of the year is typically known as the season of giving, but for many Americans, it isn't the only time they feel charitable. From volunteering at a soup kitchen to helping build a new home, there are countless ways to give back to the community.
While good deeds are done by people nationwide, some tend to do them more often. Idaho is leading the way as the most charitable state in 2024. Its residents are the most likely in the country to volunteer their time or talent at least once a month.
In second place, with a charitable score of 95.9 out of 100, is Utah, where residents are the most likely to donate their cleaning skills to those in need. Louisiana residents are the country’s third most charitable, with a score of 94.9 out of 100.
When it comes to donating, people tend to think of the usual items like clothes and food, but you can help others in many ways. One of the most important things people can donate is blood. In America, Louisiana's residents give blood most often, as 1 in 5 donate at least once a month.
Where the Most Giving Americans Live By City in 2024

Zooming in on a more local level, Louisiana remains at the top of the rankings, as New Orleans, LA, claims first for the most charitable city. Residents of "NOLA" are the most likely in the country to donate money at least once a month.
New York City, NY, claimed the second spot for cities with a charitable score of 98.5 out of 100. Residents of the Big Apple help a stranger more often than residents of any other city and are also the most likely to donate their time or skills at least once a month.
Coming in third is the capitol, Washington, D.C., where 1 in 4 residents donate clothes and goods regularly. In addition, 1 in 6 Washington, D.C. residents attend charity events often.
Despite Americans living in these cities and states giving back to the community regularly, 1 in 5 people don't consider themselves charitable.
The Charitable Acts Americans Do Most Often

After discovering where Americans are most charitable, we decided to dig deeper into the specific acts people do most often. Topping the list as the most common philanthropic act is helping a stranger. This can include anything from helping someone on the side of the road change a flat tire to lending a hand to someone trying to reach a can on the top shelf at the grocery store.
The second most common act is donating money and volunteering time and talent. So far this year, 42% of Americans have donated $100 or more, though any amount donated helps those in need.
Some Americans even have the opportunity to give through their job. With company-driven volunteer efforts and donation matching, there are many ways to give back to your community. Our study found that of those who work for a company that offers donation matching, 66% say they take advantage of it.
Outside of simply supporting causes that are important to you, there are many reasons to donate. As many people know, helping others can feel good and strengthen communities. Additionally, donations can help make an impact on many people's lives and have tax benefits.
The Top Skills Donated by Americans

Giving back to your community doesn't just have to be a physical item like clothes, food, and money. Frequently, people have skills that are just as beneficial to others. To better understand how Americans are charitable, we also asked respondents to share the skills they have donated.
Topping our list is cleaning, as 1 in 2 Americans say they have donated their skills regularly. Another popular skill donated is cooking. Not everyone knows their way around a kitchen, so donating your skills, you help ensure those who need it have a fresh, hot meal.
The third most common skill donated is organizing, followed by creative skills like photography and writing. In general, 1 in 4 Americans have used their skills to help others make repairs, and 27% have provided professional help with career guidance.
Skills-based volunteering can help you help others and gain experience building those skills. The average American has donated about 6 hours over the last three months.
Remember that giving back to the community doesn't always have to be based on planned events. After all, 67% of Americans say their efforts are generally more spontaneous than planned when it comes to charity.
Help Others With Meaningful Actions
Whether you gift money to a cause or cook for hungry members of your community, charitable acts can improve your mental health and give you a sense of purpose.
If you find yourself looking for more ways to help others, consider a career in phlebotomy. Through this medical procedure, trained professionals extract blood for laboratory examination and testing, and it is commonly an important tool for diagnosing many medical conditions. So get started today by learning more about how to become a phlebotomist, or go a step further by checking out phlebotomy classes near you.
This study surveyed Americans in every state to determine where the most charitable people live. We asked various questions, such as what type of charitable acts they have done, what skills they have donated, how much time they have volunteered, and more.
We then awarded points to charitable acts and created an average score for each state based on residents’ responses. Finally, we adjusted those scores on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 representing the most charitable.